It’s been a while since I used my Soundlink Revolve, it’s a good sounding little speaker, but I noticed that it won’t charge anymore – what good is a bluetooth speaker that I can’t run wirelessly? so I started looking for fix: Charge with cable, with base, different charger, no go. Googled for fix, and found Bose’s official suggestion of resetting, didn’t work either. Plugged into laptop and went to for firmware upgrade (latest is 3.0.4 as of this writing), didn’t help. I’m almost starting to think this is hardware issue and getting my screwdrivers ready before I found this gem in Bose’s own forum.
User “joelirwin” laid out this routine that fixed his/her same issue. In case it’s lost by Bose, here it is: (highlight by me)
1. Turn off by holding down the**multifunction key**.
2. Plug in and tap power button until it comes on.
3. Unplug
4. Power on and initialize by holding down the **top power key **for at least 10 seconds. If won’t work try with plugging in first.
5. Power off and power on to get english language prompt. Do not process at this point, yet…
6. Power off and plug in to charge.
This is a little different than what Bose is listing in their official support… Specifically, I don’t see any mention of using the power key to reset in Bose’s support. They did mention using the multifunction key to reset, but I tried that and it didn’t work. And joelirwin’s routine worked for me. I share the same speculation that Bose messed up the firmware of the speaker and shut off charging function somehow…not sure what triggered it, but this routine fixed it.